This magazine ever love me more, always make excellent photos and interviews,
I love :3
And as always the guys are wonderful
Enjoy the pictures
Esta revista cada vez me encanta mas, siempre hacen excelentes fotos y entrevistas, me encanta :3
Y como siempre los chicos se ven maravillosos
Disfruten las imágenes
*It is not the all magazine in the download is complete*

credits: hyuk7749 & carpe_900pixel
9 コメント:
Hi, Lulú! I wanna read this magazine! Could you give me the password please? My e-mail address is (please change # to @)
Hi lulu!
I really love your blog!!
I wanna read this magazine too!
may you give me the passworld please?
my mail is:
Hi lulu!! I'm a big fan to Arashi and i really love this blog. I want to download the magazines, so can you send me the password for this files? my mail is Thank you very much, all the best :P
Hi,Lulu! This is Leona. Now I expect to hear their concert report from friends in Japan.I can not join that I am also excited.
Anyway I also hope to get this magazine from you again. I always appreciate your help. My e-mail address is .
Hola Lulú ^^ quisiera descargar las revisteas ^w^ me podrías mandar las contraseñas? :D mi mail es
hi lulu=]]
thx for the password last time!!!
i think u r reli kind to scan all these for everyone's benefit, and once again a very nice photoshoot of the boys=]]
En primer lugar gracias por las contraseñas, y en segundo no te preocupes por la tardanza, como es natural tienes vida después del blog asi que sin problemas por que tardes en darmelas.
Hoy quería pedirte la de esta revistita en la que Jun sale tan lindo junto a los demas arashitos.
Pls help me with the password*wink*
Thanks a bunch for sharing & spreading arashi's love <3
hola amiga,
me podrías dar la contraseña de esta revista??
gracias por tu esfuerzo !!!
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