Other great and new magazine
I never see this magazine before , but is incredible
what do you think?
Un mas chicas y no comprendo como se sigue viendo maravillosos o no chicas
Ustedes que opinan?

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10 コメント:
I recently became a fan of Arashi. Jun-kun is cool. I love it. SEDA,Grazia,Tvfan...
Please tell me the password I'd like.
I've left the keys in your Lj
Thanks for your commentary
Thanks for you keywords!
It is a different password for each magazine.
FINE BOYS ESSE and then thank you too if possible.
ready , Thanks for your comment and I hope you continue to enjoy the blog
Sorry!Second comment isn't confirmed yet. Please comment again.
I’ll delete the comment immediately after the confirmation. Grazia 's keywords is different"graziahc"?
Ready, solved the Grazia magazine and other
Thank you for your understanding and your comments
Thanks for the comment again. All complete.JUN-KUN is so cool!
I've been deleted your comment.
A thousand thanks,Have a good weekend!
Gracias por los scans...
thanks for send me a password to the others magazines!!
I like download this too!!
can you send me the key!??
I forgot give you my mail!
now yes!
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